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The TAU 

Megiddo III:
The 1992-1996 Seasons

Edited by: Israel Finkelstein,

David Ussishkin and Baruch Halpern


Assistant Editor: Jared Miller


Contributions by:

Daniella Bar-Yoseph Mayer, Itzhak Benenson, Israel Carmi, Eric Cline, Robert Deutsch, Lev Eppelbaum, Norma Franklin, Yuval Gadot, Yuval Goren, Rachel Hallote, Brian Hesse, David Ilan, Sonya Itkis, Alex Joffe, Adi Kafri, Ann Killebrew, Gunnar Lehmann, Ormi Lernau, Nili Liphschitz, Oded Lipschitz, Jennifer Peersmann, Benjamin Sass, Dror Segal, Paula Wapnish and Orna Zimhoni



The remarkable results of several intensive seasons of renewed excavation by the current Expedition at Tel Megiddo are presented in this publication. The stratigraphy of the Early Bronze Age temple compound has been clarified and redated. The largest EB I temple in the Levant, with an extraordinary collection of animal remains in it, was unearthed. The lower mound, never properly explored by prior expeditions, has produced important new information. New light has been shed on one of the most hotly debated issues in biblical archaeology today – the chronology of Iron Age II. The conquest of this highly defended royal citadel of the Northern Kingdom by the Assyrians and its aftermath are clearly recorded.

The 1992-1996 Seasons
Megiddo IV:
The 1998-2002 Seasons

Edited by: Israel Finkelstein, David Ussishkin and Baruch Halpern


Contributions by:

Israel Finkelstein, David Ussishkin, Baruch Halpern
Amotz Agnon, Eran Arie, Inbar Baruch, Daniella E. Bar-Yosef Mayer, Lawrence A. Belkin, Itzhak Benenson, Max Bichler, Noga Blockman, Elisabetta Boaretto, Ksenija Borojevic, Baruch Brandl, Eyal Buzaglo, Deborah O. Cantrell, Gilad Cinamon, Eric H. Cline, Margaret E. Cohen, Robert Deutsch, Raphael Frankel, Norma Franklin, Yuval Gadot, David Gersht, Yuval Goren, Raphael Greenberg, Iris Groman-Yeroslavski, David Ilan, Axel E. Knauf, Nir Lalkin, Gunnar Lehmann, Omri Lernau, Nili Liphschitz, Shmuel Marco, Mario Martin, Yossi Nagar, Herman Michael Niemann, Jennifer Peersmann, Lucas Petit, Arlene M. Rosen, Baruch Rosen, Benjamin Sass, Sariel Shalev, Eileen F. Wheeler, Naama Yahalom-Mack, Assaf Yasur-Landau and Elena Zapassky.

This is the second in the series of final publications of the Megiddo Expedition. It reports the finds in the 1998-2002 seasons, with several references to the campaign of 2004. The main topics dealt with are the Early Bronze Age temple compound (with an update on the previous publication), the Late Bronze I stratum on the lower mound, the settlement of the late Iron I and its destruction in a fierce conflagration, the elaborate palace (Palace 6000) of the Iron IIA on the northern edge of the mound and the controversial northern stables. It also reports the results of two surveys conducted in the Megiddo countryside

The 1998-2002 Seasons
Megiddo V:
The 2004-2008 Season

Edited by: Israel Finkelstein, David Ussishkin and Baruch Halpern


Contributions by:

Matthew J. Adams, Yaniv Agmon, Eran Arie, Carolina Aznar, David Ben-Shlomo,

Julye Bidmead, Noga Blockman, Elisabetta Boaretto, James M. Bos, Baruch Brandl,

Eric H. Cline, Margaret E. Cohen, Adi Eliyahu-Behar, Julie Ellis, Lev Eppelbaum,

Israel Finkelstein, Norma Franklin, David Friesem, Yuval Gadot, Mor Gafri, Boaz Gattenio,

Ayelet Gilboa, Philippe Guillaume, Christian Herrmann, Sonia Itkis, Othmar Keel,

Adi Keinan, Inbar Ktalav, Nili Liphschitz, Shmuel Marco, Mario A.S. Martin, Assaf Nativ,

Alexander Pechuro, Rachel Pelta, Laura A. Peri, Daniel Rosenberg, Galit Sameora,

Inbal Samet, Benjamin Sass, Aharon Sasson, Ruth Shahack-Gross, Ilan Sharon,

David Ussishkin, Lior Weissbrod, Naama Yahalom-Mack, Assaf Yasur-Landau.

The 2004-2008 Seasons
Megiddo VI:
The 2010-2014 Season

Edited by: Israel Finkelstein and Mario A.S. Martin


Contributions by:

Israel Finkelstein, Mario A.S. Martin and Matthew J. Adams, Matthew Schaeffer, Robert S. Homsher

Melissa S. Cradic, Eran Arie, Assaf Kleiman, Adam Kaplan, Zachary C. Dunseth, Adam B. Prins, Melissa S. Cradic, Rachel Kalisher, Dvory Namdar, Marina Faerman, Patricia Smith, Galit Sameora, Lidar Sapir-Hen, Jen Thum, Liat Naeh, Cydrisse Cateloy, Yana Kirilov, Brigid Clark and Assaf Yasur-Landau, Philipp W. Stockhammer, Alexander Fantalkin, Hans Mommsen, Anna Georgiadou, Naama Yahalom-Mack, Tzilla Eshel, Ofir Tirosh and Yigal Erel, Orit Shamir, Erin Hall, Adi Eliyahu-Behar, 

Ron Shimelmitz, Tamar Rosenberg-Yefet, Benjamin Sass, Yoav Weingarten, Yehonatan Hershkovitz,

Stefan Münger, Shirly Ben-Dor Evian,

Danilo R. Giordano, Margaret E. Cohen, Eric H. Cline, Anthony Sutter, Henry C. Pelgrift, Johanna Regev, Elisabetta Boaretto, Michael B. Toffolo, Geoff A.T. Duller, Helen M. Roberts, Eliezer Piasetzky,

Ron Shaar, Lisa Tauxe, Hagai Ron, Amotz Agnon, Yael Ebert,

Erez Hassul, Ruth Shahack-Gross, Amotz Agnon, Norbert Nowaczyk,

Lior Weissbrod, Guy Bar-Oz, Thomas Cucchi, Mordechay Benzaquen and Dafna Langgut, Nili Liphschitz, Mina Weinstein-Evron, Sophia Aharonovitch, Danny Rosenberg, Ruth Shahack-Gross, Lior Regev, Dan Cabanes, Robert S. Homsher, Steve Weiner, Mathilde C.L. Forget, Robert S. Homsher, Shira Gur-Arieh, Yuval Gadot, Paula Waiman-Barak, Ayelet Gilboa and Hadar Azrad.


The 2010-2014 Seasons
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